Business Matchmaking Reunion


second meeting of the Danube-Black Sea Macro-Regional Hub

Marble Hall, House of the Romanian Academy, October 11, 2019

”Since the crisis of the environment is in fact a crisis of the human spirit, a new paradigm is needed, capable of defining a sustainable system”
Václav HAVEL

About Hub Reunion

In February 2019, the founding meeting of the Danube-Black Sea Macro-Regional Hub was held in Constanța, an initiative of the Association “Local Communities along the Danube River” (CLDR) together with Cluj IT Cluster, which coordinates a group of about 30 clusters from the Balkan area, the Black Sea Basin and the Baltic Region. The mission of the Hub is mainly to generate an important contribution to the innovation of the macro-region through territorial cooperation and the development of transnational projects according to the smart regional sub-specializations of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (SUERD) and the other related strategic documents.

In the context of celebrating, by the Presidency of the EU Council, for the first time, the “European Days for Sustainable Circular Economy” -, thanks to the kind support of the Legal Research Institute „Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” of the Romanian Academy, the Danube-Black Sea Macro-Regional Hub organizes at the Marble Hall of the House of the Romanian Academy, on Friday, October 11, 2019 (9.00-13.00 hours), a special event dedicated to promoting and supporting the business environment, civil society and the academic and research-innovation sector, in order to accelerate the adaptation and transposing in practice of the new EU regulations and trends regarding the Sustainable Circular Economy, with a predilection in the context of the emergence of Smart Sustainable and Inclusive Cities and Smart Villages, as well as establishing the new consolidated partnerships for accessing the Horizon 2020 and COSME programs.

This event takes place within the framework of the already adopted Sustainable Development Strategy of Romania and of the emerging Strategy for Circula Economy, coordinated by the Institute for Research in Circular Economy and Environment “Ernest Lupan” (IRCEM, Cluj Napoca), representing DG Environment – European Commission in Romania.

Organising Consortium 

Danube-Black Sea Macro-Regional Hub  

CLDR Romania

Knowledge Partners

  • ECEPS Coordination Group – DG Environment – European Commission, represented în Romania by the Institute for Research in Circular Economy and Environment “Ernest Lupan” (IRCEM)
  • Romanian Academy – INCE – Biodiversity Center ”Acad. David Davidescu”
  • Romanian Academy – Legal Research Institute „Acad. Andrei Rădulescu”
  • Agency for Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection (AEEPM)
  • ”Ține de Noi” Association

Special Guests & Speakers

Representatives of the following types of organizations / institutions are expected at the Reunion of the DAnube-Black Sea Macro-Regional Hub: professional associations, clusters, hubs, regional development agencies, research-innovation centers members of the chambers of commerce and councils SMEs, consultants, managers, entrepreneurs, business angels, non-governmental organizations in the field, local and county public administration

Dr. Elena-Simina LAKATOS

General Director IRCEM – Cluj

Conf. Univ. Dr. Victor NEGRESCU

Vice-Rector SNSPA


National Center for Sustainable Production and Consumption – Timisoara


Executive Director – AEEPM

Drd. Sabina LEOPA

URBASOFIA (Bucharest-Roma)

Acad. Alexandru T. BOGDAN

Biodiversity Centre – Romanian Academy

Prof. Univ. Dr. Stelian BRAD

Cluj IT Cluster / Technical University

Prof. Univ. Dr. Dumitru BORȚUN


Dr. Costin LIANU

EUSDR Consultative Council – MAE / USH Pro Business

Prof. Univ. Dr. Petre PRISECARU

Institute of World Economy – Romanian Academy


Governor – Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority 

Dr. Urb. Pietro ELISEI

Urban Planning Expert – European Commission

Dr. Mădălina ANDREI

National Environment Protection Agency


Romanian Meteorological Society

Conf. Univ. Dr. Gabriel RAICU

CLDR President/  Maritime University in Constanța

Prof. Ionuț PURICA

Advisory Center for Energy and Environment – Romanian Academy

Cristina ONCICA

Ministry of European Funds

Dr. Viorica BOBOC

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Reprezentative of Horizon 2020

Reprezentative of INTERREG Europe

Time left until the event








The structure of the reunion – Agenda

Venue: Marble Hall – House of the Romanian Academy – Calea 13 Septembrie nr 13, Bucharest

Structure of the Reunion:

1. (9.30 – 10.30) Presentations of case studies and examples of good practices within the EU and worldwide on the opportunities, benefits and financial solutions regarding the circular economy, the protection of natural resources – biodiversity, combating climate risks and within the various fields of bio-economy, especially in the context of EU macro-region of the Danube, focusing on the next programming period of European funds in Brussels;

2. (10.30 – 11.00) Launch of the program of post-graduate courses for the academic year 2019-2020 by the International Honorary Chair “Jean Bart” in support of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (CIO-SUERD), project founded in partnership with the Romanian Academy (2012);

3. (11.00 – 13.00) Business-to-business sessions, person-to-person networking, matchmaking, personalized counseling and institutional lobbying, open to anyone interested, coordinated by mentors and task force representatives within the Hub;

4. (13.00) Providing the package of recommendations and financial solutions (“Tips & Tricks”) and participating to the Vin d’honneur

N.B.: It is advisable for participants to opt in advance for at least one of the Working Groups (see the Enrollment Form) which will discuss the topics to be proposed within the project consortia.

Task-Force Groups:
1. Macro-Regional Development and Affairs

2. Bioeconomy, Sustainable Development and Circular Economy

3. Innovation and Urban Regeneration – Smart City

4. Integrated Management of Destinations of Excellence

5. Social and Health Tourism

6. Transformative Digitalisation – IT&C

7. Legal Studies – Integrity – Anti-corruption – Human Rights

Participation includes access to all the components of the meeting, and the registration process is based on the principle “First-come, first-served”, within the limits of the remaining places available, and of the submission of the Registration Form until October 4-th, 2019.

For more details please call us: 0723699857 (Sandu ZAMFIRESCU) or send us an e-mail message.

Packages of Benefits for the Official Partners / Sponsors

Technical details are available via the  Secretariat of the Organising Consortium, at the latest the 30th of September 2019.

Associated Media Partners

Media Partners

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Catedra Internațională Onorifică ”Jean Bart” (CIO-SUERD)
c/o EUROLINK-Casa Europei
Mobil: 0723699857
E-mail: ;