Total support dedicated to your scientific and professional success
From writing support, verification and content excellence to publication.
Pre-Publishing Assistance
Personalised advice for improving your opportunities to be published
Translations in/from Romanian, English, French, Spanish and Italian.
Guiding your career
Training courses, online programs, private lessons taylored for you.
Short description of my portfolio

General Coordinator of CIO-SUERD ”Jean Bart”
Firstly, at the beginning of my scientific activity, I sought to gain the necessary experience for writing my own papers, which I presented, starting with the degree in Romanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Bucharest and later continuing with many other theoretical papers. For example, the Master’s thesis in English on the role of collective memories during the Iraq War at Central European University in Prague, then the dissertation at the Federalist College of Aosta (Italy), under the auspices of the Center international de formation européenne (CIFE) and the fellowship which at the Graduate School for Social Research under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.
I settled these experiences and later incorporated them, both in the editorial coordination activity, at Radio Free Europe, and later in the research and applicative projects, for example, at the Freedom House Foundation with USAID Budapest funding. Also, within the project on the regionalisation opportunities for Romania (DG Education & Culture of the European Commission Brussels), or within the project in which I coordinated the White Paper on teaching national history in Southeastern Europe, project financed by Open Society Institute (Budapest / Zurich).
During my long career at the EUROLINK-House of Europe Foundation, which was initially a member of the FIME Network, and then a member of EUNET – European Network for Education & Training, I continued to develop and publish numerous research and innovation papers on various topics, including reports related to trendy issues on the regime of fair and transparent competition in Romania, the influence of the Constitutional Treaty of Lisbon on the integration of Romania, a project won in the competition funded by the Soros Foundation and edited by POLIROM Publishing House. Later on, I developed and coordinated numerous post-graduate courses, from the point of view of strategic institutional analysis.. Among these areas, I briefly mention the Management of Bioeconomy, Innovation and Good Governance; Smart City Urban Innovation; International Diplomacy in the context of Transformative Digitalization; Management of the Circular Economy and Environmental Protection, etc. These studies or courses were conducted within the International Honorary Chair “Jean Bart”, a project funded in partnership with the Romanian Academy.
Both as a teacher and as a trainer, I also published in international journals, an activity that I have resumed more intensely lately at the invitation and in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Eric GILDER from the University of Technology in Papua New Guinea and Prof. Dr. Habil. at the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania.
Since I was a student, I have been working in the field of journalism and, in parallel, I have consolidated my expertise in reviewing works or publications in various fields: fiction, scientific research and journalism.
As a connected area of expertise, I was involved in revising various publications or other papers in various fields: fictional literature, scientific disciplines and journalism. As a plus, I assisted many students in elaborating their scientific papers, publications, master theses, generally related to social and humanistic sciences and to the EU institutions and processes.
Publishing support offered to authors, students, translators etc

Short range of needed operation in which we can assist you
• counselling and/or elaboration of papers in the desired fields (socio-humanistic studies)
• objective revision of draft works
• peer-review operations for completing and improving scientific papers
• suggesting needed bibliography
• preventing suspicions of plagiarism
• providing techniques of scientific quotation and including them within the elaboration of those papers

Besides the Romanian native language, I am fluent in other four languages – French, Spanish, Italian and English -, and I am open to provide translations for scientific and non-scientific papers or volumes.
Guiding your career

Guiding your professional career & Mentoring
We offer you exclusive support through training in order to maximize your chances of academic and professional career.
My expertise:
Articles, papers and translations

Scientific articles, White Papers (coordinator), reports and other publications:
• ”Analogue Humans Facing Increasing Threats in a Digital Mass Global Future: Modelling Policy Exchange Responses in the EU Space to Achieve Sustainable Integrative Development” in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Erc Gilder – Romanian Review of Political Sciences & International Relations, Romanian Academy, 2021
• ”How to Combat the Conversion of Individual Pandemic Anxiety into a Collective Long-Term Trauma” in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Erc Gilder – Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in The Ethical Society – LUMEN CATES 2021
• ”Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platform – A Handbook for Policy Planners” – URBASOFIA, 2018
• Course curricula content within the POSDRU EU Funded Strategic Project ”Women take a step forward”, 2015
• Course curricula content within the POSDRU EU Funded Strategic Project ”ProFEM – Promoting the policies of equal professional opportunities between men and women”, 2014
• Course curricula content within POSDRU EU Funded Strategic Project ”Rural Antrepreneur”, 2012
• Special & Evaluation Reports on Competition and Competitiveness in Central and Eastern Europe “The preparation of Romanian business environment for the new European competition”, 2004
• “National Histories in South-Eastern Europe and History of a United Europe” White Paper, 2002
• “Europeanisation opportunity for Romania through promoting the Social-Economic Regional Development and Diversity”, 2001
• “The European Constitution” – European Academy (Otzenhausen, Germany, 2001)
• “A Romanian concept regarding the future of the European Union”, Polirom (Iasi, 2001)
• “Cross-Border Co-operation of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises from Romanian, Hungary and Slovakia”, 1998
• “Revolutions in Central Europe and the European crisis” – “Sfera Politicii” magazine, 1997
• Volume ”The Management of Bioeconomy, Innovation and Governance”, published under the aegis of CIO-SUERD “Jean Bart”, Aureo Publishing House Oradea, 2017
• Master dissertation CEU Prague: “The manipulation of collective memory during the war in Iraq”
- from Romanian to Spanish language:
▪ ”Creative spicing” by Ioan Prisecaru (2020)
▪ ”Power of Knowledge” by Ioan Prisecaru (2020)
▪ ”Energy Dance” by Ioan Prisecaru (2019) - from Sanish to Romanian language:
▪ “Spring of Living Water” by Elena Santamaria (2005) - from Romanian to French
▪ ”Creative spicing” by Ioan Prisecaru (2020)
▪ ”Power of Knowledge” by Ioan Prisecaru (2020)
▪ ”Energy Dance” by Ioan Prisecaru (2019) - from Italian to Romanian language:
▪ ”The Rule of Law” by Norberto Bobbio
▪ “Dream and Mask” by Vito A. D’Armento
Ways of collaboration
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