European Transforming Education Conference
on the occasion of the celebration of
10 years since the launch of the International Honorary Chair ”Jean Bart” (CIO-SUERD)
and of
25 years since the foundation of the EUROLINK-House of Europe in Bucharest
“The Fostering of the Youth Transversal Skills
in the new EU and in view of the
UN SDG 2030 vision”
Rectorship H.Q. of the University of Bucharest
Wednesday, November 9th, 2022

Special Guests
About the Conference
The European Transforming Education Conference is organised in hybrid format (physical attendance and online – Facebook live/GoToMeeting), in Romanian or English language (for foreign VIP guests). The venue of the event is the Rectorship H.Q. of the University of Bucharest (Cotroceni Palace/Academia Militară metro station) – ”Grigore C. Moisil” Amphitheater – see location on map.

Project carried out in cooperation with the Centre européen Robert Schuman in Scy-Chazelles (France) and with the financial support of the European program “Citizens, equality, rights and values – CERV”
and in partnership with:
Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies – University of Bucharest
with the special participation of – your personal advisor in mentoring your career
Which are the main objectives?
- To clarify and enhance the key concrete values and fundamental needs in view of supporting a deeper professional integration and social inclusion within the new European post-pandemic ”wellbeingness economies”.
- To achieve a specific contribution to promoting, educating and evaluating the new soft skills as a way to enable the collective societal transformation and resillience.
Who is expected to attend?
80 participants, including the online speakers and participants:
- stakeholders, decision-makers, promoters and practitioners from business/investing, PR/communications, HR fields;
- experts in education and social innovation;
- leaders of professional associations, organizations of social partners, undergraduate and postgraduate students;
- journalists specialised in the economic and social fields.

Time left
Inspiring resources
and references- Proceedings of the European Transforming Education Conference
- Declaration – Open Call Transforming Education (submitted to public consultation)
As a matter of example, the rethinking of HR policies and of learning primarily focuses on components related to the concept of “Global Citizenship”, simultaneously including the cultivation of the ethica values based on Empathy, Mindfulness, Compassion and Critical Inquiry.
Leading best practices in Europe and in the world will be promoted, such as UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), the “Global Citizenship Schools” network created by the Global Citizenship Foundation, ”Building Kinder Brains” programme promoted by UNESCO and Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development.
In our country, in the context of the PNRR implementation, the implementation within the economy and society of the new EU and Romanian strategies related to sustainable development, the circular economy, combating climate change and of environmental sustainable governance (ESG), wellbeingness both applying to employers and decision-makers, in the field of human reqources, education, research and innovation.
The main goal of the conference is a smart way of promoting and implementing these concepts in lifelong learning training and educational practices, and the orientation of the ongoing educational reforms in Romania (”România Educată”) towards a modern and adapted approach, especially through the lifelong learning teaching, the new vocational education centers to be established, according to PNRR, under the methodological coordination of public universities in Romania.
AGENDA of the event
9.30 – 10.00 Registration of participants – Welcome coffee
10.00 – 10.15 Introductory welcome message on the behalf of the host institution:
- University of Bucharest Rectorship of the University of Bucharest – Prof. Magdalena IORDACHE-PLATIS, PhD, Vice-Rector; Prof. Laura COMĂNESCU,PhD, Vice-Rector
- Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies – Assoc. Prof. Antonio MOMOC, Dean
10.15 – 10.45
- Video message on the behalf of UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (Hamburg) – Ms. Christiana NIKOLITSA-WINTER, Programme Specialist
- Short proceedings of the European Conference – Prof. Dr. Habil. Eric GILDER, Chairman of the CIO-SUERD ”Jean Bart” Consultative Scientific Council / PNG Technological University / Lucian Blaga University Sibiu
- Presentation of the main issues to be debated – Assoc. Prof Sever AVRAM, General Coordinator, CIO-SUERD ”Jean Bart”
- Key address on the behalf of the National Commission of Romania for UNESCO – Assoc. Prof. Madlen ȘERBAN, PhD, Secretary General
10.45 – 12.30 Plenary discussions
- Acad. Prof. Mircea DUMITRU, Vicepresident of the Romanian Academy / Executive Director, Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission
- Prof. Dumitru BORȚUN, PhD – SNSPA / President of the Honorary Jury of Romanian Public Relations Association
- Cristian DUCU, PhD – Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics (CARMAE)
- Eng. Eduard MITITELU – Secretary of State – Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization
- Assoc. Prof. Psych. Daniela DUMULESCU, PhD – Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca / Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu
- Gabriela Nausica NOVEANU, PhD – Scientific Secretary, National Centre for Policy and Evaluation in Education
- Ruxandra SĂRARU – Executive Board Radio Romania
- Prof. Dr. Habil. Ion IFRIM – ” Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” Legal Research Institute of Romanian Academy / Hyperion University
- Mrs. Laura DRAGOMIR – Powerful Communication, Business Communication Strategist
- Mr. Mihai DRAGOȘ – Economic and Social Council, Vicepresident / Ex-President of the National Youth Council
- Mrs. Denisa OLTEANU – Romanian Ministry of Education – National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development
- Mrs. Ildiko PATAKI – Reșița Municipality, Caraș-Severin County – UNESCO Learning Cities Network, Public Educational Policies Advisor
- Mrs. Elena FĂRCAȘ – Entrepreneur, Euro Best Team, European Projects Manager
- Assoc. Prof. Antonio MOMOC – Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies, University of Bucharest
- Assoc. Prof. Sever AVRAM – General Coordinator, EUSDR International Honorary Chair ”Jean Bart” / Executive President, EUROLINK-House of Europe Foundation
12.30 – 13.00 Questions & answers. Presentation of the conference’s ”Final Statement and Call” in favor of the needed implementation of lifelong learning and transversal competences training within the current educational & human resources changes and reforms. The Awarding Ceremony of Honorary Diplomas of Excellence on the occasion of the celebration of 10 years since the launch of the International Honorary Chair ”Jean Bart” (CIO-SUERD) and of 25 years since the foundation of the EUROLINK-House of Europe in Bucharest.
13.00 Networking & Lobby Session
(list to be updated)

Christiana Nikolitsa-Winter
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Programme Specialist

Prof. Dr. Habil. Eric GILDER
Department of Communication and Development Studies, PNG Technological University/Lucian Blaga University Sibiu

Prof. Magdalena IORDACHE-PLATIS, PhD
Vice Rector – University of Bucharest

Madlen ȘERBAN, PhD
Secretary General, National Commission of Romania for UNESCO / Former Director of European Training Foundation

Acad. Prof. Mircea DUMITRU
Executive Director, Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission

Prof. Dumitru BORȚUN, PhD
SNSPA / President of the Honorary Jury of
Romanian Public Relations Association

Eng. Eduard MITITELU
Secretary of State – Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization

Cristian DUCU, PhD
General Manager, Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics

Gabriela Nausica NOVEANU, PhD
Scientific Secretary, National Centre for Policy and Evaluation in Education

Prof. dr. habil. Ion IFRIM
”Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” Legal Research Institute of Romanian Academy

Prof. dr. habil. Laura COMĂNESCU
Vice-Rector – University of Bucharest

Psych. Daniela DUMULESCU, PhD
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca / Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu

Euro Best Team,
European Projects Manager

Georgeta GHEȚE-DĂNĂU, Ph.D.
President of the Professional Association of Training in Local Public Administration

Business Communication Strategist – Powerful Communication

Assoc. Prof. Antonio MOMOC
Dean, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies, University of Bucharest

Assoc. Prof. Sever AVRAM
General Coordinator, CIO-SUERD ”Jean Bart”
Prospective list of institutions
(to be completed)
- Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences – University of Bucharest – Vice-Dean Anca NEDELCU
- Economic and Social Council – Mr. Mihai DRAGOȘ, Vicepresident
- Resita Municipality – Mrs. Ildiko PATAKI, Public Educational Policies Advisor
- National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (CNDIPT) – Mrs. Denisa OLTEANU, Specialist
- Romanian Radio Society (SRR) – Romanian public channel
- Romanian Academy of Scientists – Prof. Arch. Gheorghe IONAȘCU

Registration to the event
The attendance is free of charge and limited to max. 50 still available places. The final formal confirmation is valid after the closing of registration period and is to be communicated in due time to the selected persons by the Technical Secretariat of the conference.
Media Partners & Supporters
Open registration!
c/o EUROLINK-House of Europe
Mobile: (+4)0723670987