Unicul eveniment de Informare, Networking și Facilitare a
finanțărilor UE în Regiunea Dunării – Bazinul Mării Negre
Under the aegies of DG MARE – European Commission

Thursday, 29 June 2023
Bucharest – H.Q of the EUSDR Consultative Council belonging to MFA –
”Ghica House” – USH ProBusiness Events Hall

Under the aegis of the European Commission – DG MARE
”A new innovative partnership for the benefit of recovery, resilience, sustainable reconstruction
of the Danube River – Black Sea eco-system”
in partnership and with the kind support of the
EUSDR Consultative Council – Ministry of Foreign Affairs

EUNET Member –
European Network for Education & Training

– Spiru Haret University

Black Sea – Danube Centre ”HENRI NEGRESCO”
CED Representation for the Black Sea and Danube Destinations
Media Partners
Associated Media Partners: Agenția Națională de Presă AGERPRES, Radio7, Opinia Națională,
Media Partners:,,, Comunicații Mobile,,, Tribuna Economica,,,, “Danubius infolio”, Tomisul Cultural, Buletin Dunărean.
Why we celebrate

Edition 2019
Palace of the Parliament – Senate of Romania
The Danube-Black Sea Innovation Network came into being, at the initiative of the EUROLINK-Casa Europei Foundation, as early as 2011 (Palace of the Parliament), on the occasion of the first edition of the European Maritime Day in Romania, and later proved useful by focusing on various types of initiatives , themes and opportunities for cooperation and funding.
The complexity and seriousness of the overlapping crises that the EU is currently facing, both from the security, economic and climate change points of view, require now more than ever to put into practice a bold and coherent holistic integrative vision.
This new targeted approach is necessary to be in strict relation to the seriousness of the challenges indicated, as well as, at the same time, to the need to implement SDG 2030, the new governance of ESG-type sustainability, as well as the correlation of policies to protect biodiversity and responsible valorization for all economic and cultural historical blue capital, including the social and spiritual one.
Obviously, but precisely due to the current difficult conditions, stakeholders in all key pro-active decision-making areas are in the process of rethinking their role and responsibilities after the end of the war in Ukraine.
This turning point is placed in favor of the reconstruction, recovery, consolidation and on a sustainable basis of the entire geo-economic region, in the context of designing a Black Sea Strategy and of a new modern, bold and pro-European partnership framework.
What objectives do we propose?
The central objective of the project consists in reuniting and generating awareness, extension, energization and harmonization of the needed synergies, in view of fully achieving the EU HORIZON Mission, key part of the Horizon Europe Programme, regarding the recovery of the unique Danube – Black Sea eco-system, in correlation with the Rhine Basin, with a special focus to the issue of more sustainably preserving the inheritance and “blue growth”, especially that of the Danube Delta biosphere.
A second objective relates to developing and promoting the historical and cultural tourist destinations of excellence in Romania, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Bulgaria and the restoration of the EU Danube Region and its related maritime area within a new strong partnership agreement culture.
High Level Stakeholders Event
What are the main target groups and invited institutions (provisional list)
- Representation of the European Commission in Romania
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs – EUSDR Office
- Diplomatic missions
- National Commission of Romania for UNESCO
- Romanian Academy
- Universities and public and private research and innovation centers
- The representatives of the social partners within the Economic and Social Council of Romania
- Militants and civil society leaders
- Specialized journalists

High Level Stakeholders Event
Special Guests & Speakers (provisional list)
- Charlina VITCHEVA – General Director DG MARE, European Commission
- Oliver HILLEL, MBA – United Nation Expert , member of ICLEI – Local Government for Sustainability & IKI – International Climate Initiative
- Prof. univ. dr. Francois BEDARD – Director of the World Centre for Excellence of Destinations – CED (Montreal)
- Prof. univ. dr. habil Eric GILDER – Coordinator of the CIO-SUERD Scientific Advisory Council
- Demostene OLARIU – International Organization for Democracy and Human Rights – IODHR Norway (Oslo)
- Prof. Arhur TEODORESCU – Bruxelles
- Dragoș Cosmin Lucian PREDA – ex-Secretary of State – MTIC
- Carola FREY, Political Analyst – Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre (E-ARC)
- Consilier Gabriel MINEA – Department of Sustainable Development of the Romanian Government
- Dr. Valentin PANAIT – EUSDR Office – Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Dr. Costin LIANU – EUSDR Consultative Council / USH Pro Business
- Associated Professor Gabriel RAICU – Vice-Rector, Maritime University of Constanta
- Dr. Cristina GÂRLEA – Researcher, Romanian Academy
- Urb. Dr. Sabina DIMITRIU – President of the Professional Association of Urban Planners from Romania
Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Sever AVRAM – General Coordinator CIO-SUERD
Amphitryon: Dr. Costin LIANU – Secretary General – EUSDR Consultative Council – Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / USH Pro Business
Roadmap including the Set of Suggestions, Proposals and the Recommendations regarding the Sustainable and Inclusive Development through the Interconnecting Ways and Mechanisms between Rhine Region, Danube-Black Sea Basin – Port of Constantza
MOTTO: ”In the next two decades, we could enjoy of en extraordinary momentum
that the World more profoundly consider at the Black Sea, the ”soft belly”
which has to be strengthened by the Western System.”- Cristian GROSU.
This year, the Forum ”A new innovative partnership for the benefit of recovery, resilience, sustainable reconstruction of the Danube River – Black Sea eco-system”, will take place in the context of marking the European Maritime Day in Romania 2023, under the aegis of the European Commission – DG MARE, as well as with the main support of the Center Européen Robert Schuman. Unfortunately, this forum will be deployed in a context of multiple overlapping crises on our continent.
However, there is even more need for a rethinking and the ability to firmly and wisely act, especially under coordination of the Romanian State and the other involved stakeholders, in view of preparing for the economic recovery after the end of the war in Ukraine. Also, this should happen from the perspective of the new smart approach regarding the intelligent transnational co-operation through a profitable interconnection between the Rhine – Danube Region, Black Sea – Constantza Port.
All these desiderata may become tangible and profitable only in strict accordance with the objectives and commitments assumed by the E.U. Charter for the Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030” within the “Horizon Europe” Programme. All motivated participants from the Forum are invited to adhere to this initiative of the European Commission, in order to enjoy the related benefits possible through the strategic partnerships in favor of the innovation launched in 2022.
Taking into account this new dramatic context, which we are facing in the region, the International Honorary Chair in support of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (CIO-SUERD), imperatively requests the establishment of a Road-Map, to be adopted through the consensus obtained by the relevant representatives of the civil society and of the academic and business environments, and has to contain the following set of strictly imperiously needed components:
- The enrichment and improving of the legislative and administrative framework, especially at the level of Romania, in view of the reintegration into the economic and tourist flow of as many areas and objectives as possible in a coherent, coordinated and unitary manner;
- The awareness process according to the fact that the majority of related problems are related from areas and tributaries rivers of the Danube, including the problems of the upper Danube, refocusing the approach on these areas and moving to smart measures regarding: navigability, tourism, biodiversity conservation, the promotion of the hospitality brands, digitalization and so on;
- Taking into account that EUSDR is mainly focused on the sustainable development, but also inclusive urban innovation, according to EU concepts, the transition to a process of territorial planning and urban standardization in a more accelerated rhytm, in tandem with the relevant cross-border partners;
- Connecting to the dynamics of the projects and results already achieved through the real and effective implementation of the Danube Transnational Program (DTP), the promotion of a new multi-level governance system, of “open coordination”, of other innovative forms of collaborative leadership, already successfully tested in other Danube States and of the Black Sea Basin;
- The starting operations and the expansion of the structured consultations at national and European level, periodically, especially for a reintegration of the Port and of the Municipality of Constantza, as a flagship area, in favor of the necessary changes and the recovery of the desired place by Constantza and the entire region of historical Dobrogea and Danube Delta at the level of maritime public policies and blue industries;
- The emphasize on the inclusive approach from the perspective of reducing the social gaps, implementing in a more curageus way of the social innovation vectors, of the transparency decision-making process and of the fight against corruption in all key sectors;
- The most pragmatic rethinking of the territorial planning and cooperation process, especially through transnational projects, leading to more stability and prosperity for as many citizens as possible.
In essence, we consider it vitally necessary that the European institutions, in particular the European Commission – DG MARE, in collaboration with the high-level representatives of the Member States from the targeted cooperation region, from now have to act, in a much more decisive and coherent way regarding the achievement of an increasing cadence in order to fulfill the predicted bold objectives in the transformative project of EUSDR and according to the new guidelines resulting from the urgent necessity to adopt the Black Sea Strategy, to which all the Member States of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC), in close consultation with the stakeholders of the Rhine region.
For conformity,
Prof. Assoc. Sever AVRAM
on the behalf of the Organising Consortium of the ” European Maritime Day in Romania 2023” –
EUSDR International Honorary Chair”Jean Bart” (CIO-SUERD) – c/o EUROLINK-House of Europe
Thursday, 29 June 2023
EUSDR Consultative Council – USH ProBusiness Hall
This year’s edition consists of an information, debating, networking and advocacy event
in favor of promoting and implementing of the goals and solutions advanced by the EU mission “Restoring the Oceans and Waters by 2030”, as well as in the context of the celebration of the International Day of the Danube.

14:00 – 14:30
Registration of guests and participants. Welcome Coffee
Welcome Coffee.
Networking & Matchmaking Session.
14:30 – 14:50
Messages and introductory remarks
Presentation of working materials subject to debate by joining to the Horizon Europen mission, initiated by the European Commission in 2022
14:50 – 16:00
Presentations & statements
Short presentations of success stories, examples of good practices, constructive proposals for partnership between the public sector, the business environment and the professional organizations of the civil society
Project Presentations
- Presentation of projects dedicated to the blue growth and the circular economy
- Digital transformation and green transition
- Presentation of the BIO DANUBIUS cluster
16:00 – 16:30
Questions & answers. Final remarks.
Launching theproposed Road Map in favor of extending, strengthening and enhancing a new trilateral cooperation RHIN – DANUBE – BLACK SEA, including cities and ports by developing the network of excellence of the hospitality of the cultural tourist destinations.
16:30 – 17:00
Awarding Ceremony
The award of the Title and Diploma of Excellence “Black Sea-Danubian Social & Economic Innovator” in favor of sustainability and resilience of the Danube Basin and the Black Sea in various social, cultural and economic fields
17:00 – 17:30
Networking Buffet – Business Matching Point
Networking & institutional lobby session
Technical details

- The meeting takes place in a hybrid system, physically at the USH Pro Business headquarters – the central entrance in Str. Ion Ghica no 13 (next to the Embassy of the Czech Republic), respectively online, via Zoom. The event will be recorded and promoted via YouTube and other social media channels.
- The working language will be Romanian, with few online presentations in English
- Participation is limited to the capacity o the meeting hall, and based on the written confirmation of the special invitations sent by the Organising Consortium.
- To request additional information, you can contact us by phone: 0723.670.987, e-mail:, or by phone: 0736.527.415, e-mail:
Secretariat of the Organising Consortium
– c/o EUROLINK-House of Europe
Mobile: 0723670987