Danubian Academy of Macroregional Innovation
educational, international and interdisciplinary platform
initially launched in partnership with DAC – Danubius Academic Consortium,
on the occasion of the Danube Financing Dialogue,
selected by the European Commission – DG REGIO (Bratislava, National Bank of Slovakia – 2016)
in co-operation with the Romanian Academy – Doctoral & Post-Doctoral School within the National Institute for Economic Research (INCE)
The theoretical and practical training component is not an end in itself, but rather, from the start, involves selecting and co-opting graduates, partners, promoters and other public and private entities to build the first Macroregional Accelerator of ideas, projects and business in our sub-region, in line with the best practices and express recommendations developed by the Joint Research Center (JRC) through what is officially referred to throughout the European Union as the “EU Science Hub”.
Following the “Quadruple Helix” principle, the graduates of the online or live training forms to be developed will generate a “self-confident” and autonomous expert typology, designed to flexibly integrate into multidisciplinary teams at local, national and regional level.
Also, the Danubian Academy of Macroregional Innovation has to stimulate the creation of multi-disciplinary teams that leverage the unique capabilities of the entire institutions; to connect the academic community with the world outside, in order to develop a new vitality as academics and students venture from their comfort zone to generate new professional relationships.
The forthcoming next stage, which has been recently presented as a priority at the Danube Annual Forum (Sofia, October 2018), for the duration of Romania’s mandate for the SUERD Presidency, focuses in particular on promoting a changing innovation culture, reducing barriers to technological transfer and on the submission of projects funded by strategic consortia, preferably through open cooperation with the Smart Innovative Learning Hub (inaugurated at the House of Romanian Academy in February 2018).
In this respect, the Organisational Consortium, at the kind suggestion of Prof. Miroslav VESKOVIC – EUSDR Unit Responsible within JRC – European Commission, already forwarded the Invitation-Proposal to leading universities, research centers and other public and private institutions in view of the construction of a future virtual and also physical Macroregional Danube Hub.

In the presence of the President of Timișoara Branch of the Romanian Academy, Acad. Prof. univ. dr. Ioan PĂUN OTIMAN and also of the EUSDR Romanian Coordinator, Diplomatic Counselor Dr. Radu GORINCIOI, the official launching of the new academic year 2018/9 (Art Museum Timișoara, 10 September 2018)
Scientific Consultants and main Trainers/Lecturers:
Dr. Ing. Urb. Pietro ELISEI – European Commission Expert in Urban Planning/ISOCARP
Prof. univ. dr. Petre PRISECARU – Institute of World Economy of the Romanian Academy
Lector univ. dr. Gabriela DAVID – Bioeconomist, CIO-SUERD ”Jean Bart” (Oradea)
Lector univ. dr. Mădălina ANDREI – National Agency for Protected Natural Areas
Dr. Georgeta GHEȚE-DĂNĂU – Associated Professor /President of CINAQ Association
Prof. univ. dr. Vicenzo SCALCIONE – Basilicata University (Italy)
Drd. Sabina LEOPA – European Projects Director at URBASOFIA (Rome/Bucharest)
Jamil BENABDALLAH – Consultant, Detente Consultants – Paris
Prof. Teclu CODREȘI – President of ”Romanian Ecological Action” Craiova
Prof. univ. dr. Vasile DOGARU – European Projects Department – Western University Timișoara
Conf. univ. dr. Marius BOIȚĂ – Director of Entrepreneurial Centre – „Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad
Consultant Mircea BARNA – (Nuremberg, Germany) CCL Cluj Napoca
Ec. Dipl. Corina POPESCU – E-Commerce Consultant – Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ionuț SOCOL – Consultant DPO, Euro Market Solutions Iași
Andra ORLOSCHI – Sustainable Development Expert/Public Procurement
Academic Supervisor: Prof. univ. dr. Gheorghe ZAMAN, Dr.h.c, Correspondence Member of the Romanian Academy
– Coordinator of Doctoral & Post-Doctoral Schools in Socio-Economic, Juridical and Demographical Sciences within
INCE – Romanian Academy
General Coordinator: Sever AVRAM – Associated Researcher – Romanian Academy / Executive President – CLDR Association
Universities and research-innovation institutes affiliated within CLDR Association Institutional partners:
• INCE – Biodiversity Centre ”Acad. David Davidescu” – Romanian Academy
• Western University Timișoara
• National Institute of Research and Development in Mechatronics and Measurement Technique (INCDMTM)
• Maritime University Constanța
• Danubius University Galați
• Entrepreneurial Centre – „Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad
• USH Pro Business – Spiru Haret University
Institutional Partners:
• Romanian Professional Association of Urban Planners (APUR)
• Professional Association of Training in Local Public Administration (CINAQ)
• Romanian Association for Smart City and Mobility
• URBASOFIA (Rome/Bucharest)