International Honorary Chair “Jean BART”
in support of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
– was officialy founded in September 2012 by the EUROLINK-House of Europe Foundation in partnership with the Romanian Academy through the Biodiversity Centre “Acad. David DAVIDESCU”
– represents a flexible platform for the internationalisation education according to the ”lifelong learning” concept, promoted and recommended by both UNESCO Lifelong Learning Institute and the EU Council.
The CIO-SUERD courses are initiated and run according to the EU Council recommendations on .

The certification procedures implies the issue of Graduation Certificates, accompanied by the detailed Annex of the modules and the envisaged competences, by the EUSDR International Honorary Chair “Jean Bart” (CIO-SUERD), member of the EUSDR Advisory Council belonging to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Romanian Academy (originally founded in 1866 as the Romanian Academic Society) is a prestigious educational institution which, together with the Ministry of Education, is empowered by law to organise postgraduate training courses. According to the educational regulations in force, by Law 596/2001, the Romanian Academy, through its research-innovation institutes, is entitled to organize both advanced pre-doctoral studies and also doctoral/post-doctoral schools, which are thus also implicitly recognized at the European level.
As an international recognition, the Romanian Academy has been designated the sole institutional representative of Romania in the International Science Council (Paris).
The Pre-Doctoral Training Programme – CIO-SUERD
The session June-September 2023
Based on the kind support and cooperation initiated since 2012 between the International Honorary Chair “Jean Bart” (CIO-SUERD) and the Romanian Academy, the Pre-Doctoral Programme aims to prepare a selective number of graduates who wish to advance more rapidly in their professional careers by engaging in and writing personal research papers, especially in the socio-humanities, economics, law and architecture-urbanism.
What means in practice the CIO-SUERD Pre-Doctoral Programme?
In universities locted in the USA, Canada and Western Europe, undergraduate and/or master’s graduates have access to the opportunity to register for preparatory degree programmes for admission to doctoral studies. Such a research-innovation programme is designed to support the equipment with the necessary research tools and related writing experience, prior to admission to a PhD Programme. Essentially, an adequate support is provided for the training of the technical skills, required within the research process and this approach may be a more convenient and friendly alternative in comparison other forms of training.
What is the difference between a PhD student and a preparatory PhD student?
Thr participants enrolled in the Pre-Doctoral Programme have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and requirements for examinations, colloquia and the writing of the dissertation in a faster and better manner. The doctoral candidate is a person who has successfully passed the candidacy exam in a doctoral school, either in a university or in a research institute accredited as such by the Romanian Academy.
Examples of pre-doctoral programmes
A few examples of well-known pre-doctoral schools, that have existed for many years: at universities in the United States – Standford, Columbia, Chicago Booth School of Business, Califormia State University – and at universities in Europe – Ruhr University Bochum, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nurnberg, Avicenna International College, etc.
What is the added value of our programme?
First of all, the entire programme is placed under the scientific authority of Prof. Univ. Dr. Habil. Eric GILDER (PhD in Communications – Ohio State University, USA), who is qualified to coordinate doctoral work both nationally and internationally. He is currently affiliated to the Institute for the Organisation of Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Studies – “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu.
Based on the vast experience gained, trainees benefit from the special opportunity of highly qualified support in preparing good quality papers, including access to case studies and best practices that promote innovative applications and/or new pro-entrepreneurial approach in the field. These have subsequently also proved useful to those aiming to be an integral part of EU-funded project teams or clusters and hubs at national, European and international level.
Following the adoption of the National Recovery and Resilience Programme (PNRR) and the most comprehensive global research and innovation funding framework – the “Horizon Europe” Programme, Alsio Romania benefits of considerable non-refundable funds for the implementation of the above-mentioned programmes, as well as to face new challenges and opportunities related to the implementation of concrete – alternative solutions, through innovative initiatives, actions and projects, especially in cross-disciplinary areas such as:
bio-economy and related sub-domains, including bio-agriculture and ecological and cultural tourism;
sustainable and resilient urban development/innovation;
transition to the circular economy, especially through start-ups / SME sector;
sustainability management / corporate governance – ESG;
environmental law and communication on sustainable development and environmental protection;
knowledge management and management of complex European projects;
transformative digitalisation in the context of climate change and sustainable development.
The Pre-DoctoralProgram, launched in 2019 at the Romanian Academy House, is available in both Romanian and English.
To whom specifically are we addressing?
The programme is equally addressed to practitioners, experts, managers and researchers motivated to enhance their professional reputation and employability, orienting their European career paths towards trans- and inter-disciplinarity as a generally valid approach.
The organizers propose a working formula focused on pre-doctoral students, with special emphasis on accommodating the standards of documenting, writing and publishing original work, implemented through accessible methods, through live or/and online colloquia, in order to give the possibility to all participants from home and abroad to follow the respective training.
In addition, the approach is also in line with what is known generically as “life long learning“, promoted and expressly recommended by the Lifelong Learning UNESCO Institute, the EU Council Recommendation (2018) and more recently by the Education Law No 199/2023.

International Honorary Chair ”Jean Bart” (CIO-SUERD),
project founded in partnership with the Romanian Academy (2012)
The CIO-SUERD Scientific Advisory Board includes prestigious academic personalities, as well as experts, consultants and promoters of innovation at macro-regional and European level, such as:
Consultative Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Univ. Dr. Habil Eric GILDER – “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
General Coordinator: Prof. Asoc. Sever AVRAM – Executive President EUROLINK – House of Europe, Bucharest
- Prof. Univ. Dr. Francois BEDARD – World Centre of Excellence for Destinations (CED, Montreal);
- Dr. Ing. Urb. Pietro ELISEI – European Commission Expert in Urban Planning / President of ISOCARP;
- Richard STOCK – President, European Network for Education and Training / Robert Schuman European Centre (Germany/France);
- Peter LANGER – General Coordinator, Council of Danube Cities and Regions (CoDCR)/European Academy of the Danube (Ulm);
- Vito A. D’ARMENTO – European Expert in Educational Sciences (Italy);
- Jamil BENABDALLAH – H64 Blockchain For Growth (Paris);
- Miklos BARABAS – House of Europe (Budapest);
- Prof. Univ. Dr. Dumitru BORȚUN – Faculty of Communication and Public Relations – SNSPA;
- Prof. Univ. Dr. Petre PRISECARU – Institute of World Economy of the Romanian Academy;
- Prof. Univ. Dr. Ion IFRIM – Institute of Legal Research of the Romanian Academy/Dean of the Faculty of Law – Hyperion University;
- Dr. Ing. ec. Elena-Simina LAKATOS – Director General, Institute for Research in Circular Economy and Environment “Ernest Lupan” (Cluj);
- Prof. Dr. Gabriel RAICU – Vice-Rector, Maritime University of Constanta/CLDR Romania;
- Lecturer Univ. Dr. Gabriela DAVID – Vasile Goldiș Western University;
- Dr. Costin LIANU – Executive Secretariat of the EUSERD / USH Pro Business Advisory Council;
- Prof. Asoc. Dr. Georgeta GHEȚE-DĂNĂU – CINAQ Association;
- Prof. Teclu CODREȘI – President “Romanian Ecological Action” Craiova
CIO-SUERD Pre-Doctoral Programme – proposed working style
According to proven European and international models, those who follow the Pre-Doctoral Programme, online (or on-demand, in hybrid format) have the opportunity to advance more prestigiously and more quickly in their career, including by obtaining a doctoral degree in a desired field. The main method consists of pro-active mentoring including coaching, counselling and personalised letter of recommendation of the graduates towards the envisaged doctoral schools.
The online sessions last three calendar months, on the CIO-SUERD educational electronic platform, with flexible access according to each participant’s schedule. Periodic, monthly or bi-monthly, depending on the option and possibilities of the participants, guidance and counselling meetings will be held, including on the basis of questions and problems raised by the participants.
At the end, on the basis of the knowledge and advice provided, as an evaluation, the candidates will be able to present an outline/framework concept of a theme of as cross-disciplinary and innovative a nature as possible. Those interested will also be guided and recommended to the optimal pathways and qualified PhD supervisors in their field of interest.
The main benefits of participating in the Pre-Doctoral Programme are:
1. Guidance from A to Z in order to develop a personal idea/project, smartly avoiding any tempation to use any “copy-paste” techniques, including by improving the academic level of English.
2. To perfectly adequate the chosen topic, including its pragmatic use within the further projects of the Danube-Black Sea Macro-Regional Hub.
3. Introducing and recommending the candidate to the most appropiated field/coordinator of the PhD thesis.
4. To learn and implement the most up-to-date innovative tools, including copyright protection.
5. Issue of the Certificate and explanatory Annex attesting the completion of the Pre-Doctoral Programme.
6. Assistance in completing the personal profile and a personalised Letter of Recommendation.
7. Support in peer-review and advice for the publication of various papers in European and international scientific journals.
Among the key concepts with a profound multi- and inter-disciplinary character, the organisers decided to focus specifically on the following components valid, on a transversal scale, for macro-regional development and innovation processes and programmes:
- Environmental Sustainable Governance (ESG);
- Smart & Resilient City – through innovation and sustainable and inclusive urban regeneration;
- Macro-regional planning and development in the area of the three strategic directions: Danube, Black Sea, Carpathians;
- Specifics of project management and communication in the context of cross-border and transnational projects;
- Challenges and benefits derived from the development of the bio-economy at European and national level, with a special focus on our geo-economic areas of interest;
- The role and opportunities for increasing economic and social competitiveness through the promotion of excellent tourist and cultural hospitality;
- International diplomacy in the context of transformative digitalisation;
- The specificity and development opportunities derived from the circular economy in the process of improving environmental protection and combating climate risks.
The Tutoring component (mentoring, guidance) will be designed to structure the thematic and argumentative structure of the proposed paper, including “tips & tricks” essential to demonstrate the original and innovative character of the proposal.
Enrollments shall be made on the basis of completion and submission of the Registration Form. Further details can be requested from the Technical Secretariat by e-mail: or by phone: 0723670987.
International Honorary Chair ”Jean Bart” (CIO-SUERD)
c/o EUROLINK-House of Europe
Mobile: 0723699857
E-mail: ;