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Catedra Internațională Onorifică  
CIO-SUERD ”Jean Bart” 

Contributori permanenți:

Prof. Dr. Habil. Eric GILDER

Departamentul de Comunicare și Studii de Dezvoltare, PNG Technological University/Universitatea ”Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu 

Prof. Asoc. Sever AVRAM

Coordonator General, CIO-SUERD ”Jean Bart” / Președinte Executiv, EUROLINK-Casa Europei

Iași, decembrie 2022

”Is the Pursuit of Well-Being and Happiness Possible in Organizations under Stress Using the Hybrid Communication Format?”

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Sever AVRAM,


in ”Language, Culture and Change”, Nr. 3/2022 ”COMMUNICATION VS HYBRIDIZATION”
”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Publishing House – Iași, 2022

București, noiembrie 2022

Proceedings of the European Transforming Education Conference, “The Fostering of the Youth Transversal Skills in the new EU and in view of the UN SDG 2030 vision”

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on the occasion of the European Transforming Education Conference, Rectorship H.Q. of the University of Bucharest, November 9th, 2022

București, noiembrie 2022

Proceedings of the European Transforming Education Conference, “The Fostering of the Youth Transversal Skills in the new EU and in view of the UN SDG 2030 vision”

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on the occasion of the European Transforming Education Conference, Rectorship H.Q. of the University of Bucharest, November 9th, 2022

București, aprilie 2021
Analogue Humans Facing Increasing Threats in a Digital Mass Global Future:  Modelling Policy Exchange Responses in the EU Space to Achieve Sustainable Integrative Development

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in Romanian Review of Political Sciences and International Relations
Romanian Academy, 2021

Catedra Internațională Onorifică  ”Jean Bart” (CIO-SUERD)
c/o EUROLINK-Casa Europei 
Mobil: 0723670987